Peter is a handsome young man who is not afraid to get dirty! You will most likely find Peter outside working on his gardening skills. He most recently planted radishes and has enjoyed watching the stages of growth. Peter's love language is quality time. He loves having one on one time with the adults around him. Peter enjoys going to school and learning new things. If Peter could have anything for dinner it would be a bean and cheese burrito. Also, croutons are a must on a salad. Peter's favorite book is Pete the Cat because the main character's name is Pete. Peter's ideal day consists of going to the game store to buy toys and then heading to the library to read books with the librarians.
The ideal family for Peter would be a family with no kids in the home. Peter would do best in a highly structured family who enjoys being outside getting a little dirty in the garden. Peter would thrive in a family that can give him a lot of one on one time and patients as he learns and grows.
Peter was born in 2012.
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