Latrell and Latice
Meet siblings Latrell and Latrice!
Latrell is a bright, compassionate young man with a knack for adventure. Whether he's engrossed in play with cars and slime or delving into arts and crafts, Latrell's creativity knows no bounds. He's an avid reader, both independently and when being read to, and possesses a keen intellect that shines through in all he does. Latrell's heart overflows with kindness and empathy, always eager to extend a helping hand, especially to animals, with dogs and giraffes, and elephants holding a special place in his affections. A trip to the zoo, capped off with Baskin Robbins ice cream, is his idea of a perfect day, mirroring his aspiration to be a superhero like his role model, Thor. His curiosity leads him to yearn for more knowledge about rattlesnakes and the art of drawing them.
Latrice, on the other hand, embodies sweetness and generosity, her bubbly personality lighting up any room she enters. She finds joy in singing, drawing, gardening, and engaging in spirited games, whether it's cards or video games. A sports enthusiast, she relishes her time on the baseball field with friends. Her collection of stuffed animals, particularly those crafted by her favorite You Tuber, holds deep sentimental value, a testament to her nurturing nature. For Latrice, a dream day includes indulging in chocolate chip ice cream and riding thrilling roller coasters. She harbors a desire to master new strategies for her beloved games of marbles and Uno.
Together Latrell and Latrice share a vision of family centered around togetherness and understanding. They long for the warmth of shared dinners, where conversations flow freely around the table, and for a family that embraces their African American heritage with love and acceptance. For these siblings, finding a forever home means finding a place where they can thrive, express themselves, and continue to grow surrounded by love and support.
Latrell was born in 2015 and Latrice was born in 2014.
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